We have mastered the second last week. So now we are really getting close! I have unregular contractions now and then but they never become regular. But at least I have an idea what might be coming. The ones in the back are like period pain. But then I also have contractions in the front. And they are quite amazing. The belly gets so hard on the sides! My husband was checking it once and got a bit scared. So far they are not very painful, still manageable and they never last very long. But I can imagine if they become just a bit stronger and last longer that's gonna be interesting. My doctor said I might start labour like this and since the first phase can last for several hours I should take a couple of paracetamols so that I can relax a bit and won't be too exhausted when the 'real' thing starts. Because then the paracetamol won't help anyway... But I also read a story about a lady who was attending her company's dinner until she was eight cm dilated and she said it was alright. So that's actually the picture I have painted in my mind, it won't be my company's dinner though but maybe dinner with my husband?
I continue with the accupuncture and since we are getting closer to the due date we are stimulating contractions now even harder. Yesterday I had four needles in my feet, two in my hands and six in the back and they were all connected to some electricity. The needles started jumping up and down and I burst out laughing. But only at the beginning because when she increased the voltage (don't worry it's just minor voltage) it got quite painful. But I did my yoga breathing, meaning inhaling through the nose for six and then exhaling through the mouth for six and then starting all over again. Amazingly it really helped. Tomorrow is my next session if nothing happens.
The other amazing thing is that I am still fit, flexible and moving about. I can still close my shoes on my own bending down and walking for an hour is also not a problem. And I have the feeling that I do my laps in the swimming pool faster every time I go there... On the downside my body makes me feel a bit sad. Not only my feet are swollen now but also my legs and arms look quite big. I hope it's all fluid retention and that I will lose most of the weight after giving birth. But I shouldn't complain I have seen worse pregnant ladies and once I can exercise again it will fall off quickly I guess.