Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 41: The End - Baby has arrived

Finally our little one has arrived. She was born on Mother's day. What a nice coincidence. The birth was induced and took a very long time. I can only recommend having an epidural for an induced birth as everyone told me afterwards that it's always a lot more painful. But with the epidural you are alert but relaxed and it's a breathtaking experience. 
- The End - 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 40 - No baby yet

Today was my due date but no baby in sight. All the accupuncture but my little girl really seems to like it inside... And I had contractions for the last two weeks, just minor ones but I thought I would hold my little one in my arms before the due date. But no - I have to be patient. At least the accupuncture cured my newly occuring back pain. So I feel really good, I am still out and about and who knows... maybe she thinks 05.05.2010 is a real cool birth date. I haven't put on any more weight for the last two weeks but I still feel I look bigger than ever... hope it's all fluid and I lose at least 10 kg by giving birth.